Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Marbled Pound Cake Success(es)

So after diligently searching for a job for the last five days and applying to an average of three companies a day, each with its own cover letter and resume edits, I decided it was time for a mental break. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to continuously find new companies that are willing to hire someone with almost no experience...

And what better way to clear my mind than by baking? Anyhow, I tackled the first of my three culinary ideas and made some marbled pound cake. In three individual pans. So they're a little small, but it only makes the serving sizes smaller (and by default, healthier!) The actual baking took longer than I thought... almost an hour! But I'm waiting for them to cool right now, so I'll let y'all know how they turn out. Don't worry... I took pictures.

Hopefully my mom will actually like my baking this time, so I won't be stuck with three individual pound cakes and no one to eat them (my diet will probably sacrifice two days of food for me to be able to eat one).

On a grosser note, McDonald's has announced the addition of an item to it's menu: The Mac Wrap.

Personally, I had no issue with the Taco Bell Drive Through Diet and thought it was perhaps a small step toward making more people aware of the health information for their fast food purchases. I will say, though, that I don't think The Big Mac Snack Wrap is a step in the right way in any way, shape, or form. Maybe they're trying to appeal to an ever-increasing Hispanic population, but introducing items like this may not be the best way possible... In my opinion, at least.

Anyhow, hope y'all have a great day and happy baking!


  1. Grosssss...big mac snack wrap?? Your pound cake is very pretty though. I cannot believe that someone like you doesn't have a job. You'll get one! Have you applied to Schlumberger? You should :)
