Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Can't stop thinking about it...

I've come to the realization that I am obsessed with baking. It's not even a secret any more. The slightly overwhelming part of this is that my brain is almost always thinking of something new to bake. Someone will be talking to me, and if I get slightly bored or uninterested and my brain starts wandering, it inevitably ends up with a new concoction in the kitchen. I was especially productive in making mental lists of things I wanted to try in my long drives to Houston. There's raspberry chocolate pudding, apple banana vanilla pudding, mocha coffee bean pudding, double chocolate chunk strawberry cookies... The possibilities are endless!

And then... I've also become fascinated with shakes. I did this program where I entered in what I eat every day to see what I need to cut back on. Not surprisingly, the one part of my daily intake that I fulfilled (and quite often surpassed) first every day was my sugar intake. Apparently, I'm only allowed to eat 24 grams of sugar daily. So I've become overly careful to look at the labels before I eat. And here's the fun fact of the day (that relates to milkshakes): unless you buy unsweetened soy milk, you're usually taking in as much as 12 grams of sugar per glass of milk. But, using yogurt instead of milk saves you up to 6 grams per cup.

So my first milkshake experiment was a vegetable one: cucumber, dill, and yogurt. Sounds slightly weird, but it's quite healthy! And tasty, too!

1 comment:

  1. Cucumber and dill in a drink doesn't sound weird to me! My favorite juice is cucumber juice. Maybe you should carry a voice recorder around with you and just record every time you are thinking of a new experiment to try, lol. "Today is January 20, and I am thinking banana pudding"
