Friday, January 8, 2010

The Beginning of a Great Adventure

As would be expected, I started this blog at the worst possible time: when I’m on a new diet. As such, my culinary adventures will be highly restricted to what I’m allowing myself to eat. But this will only make this blog more perfect. I somehow foresee that this blog will revolve highly around baking sweets as soon as I get off this diet, and now we can at least pretend my blog isn’t all about being unhealthy. In fact, I really think the first few weeks will be mostly salads, with an occasional adventure with pasta or rice.

Naturally, I’m also not going to be cooking anything spectacular for a couple more days, since I’m traveling for a little bit right now. I’ve come down to Houston until Tuesday and, since I’m not at home, it’s harder to take over someone’s kitchen and just let my imagination run wild.

But, since I did not want to disappoint any of my first group of readers by not having anything food related in this first blog, I will post a picture of my last salad (which I made two days ago).

Although it’s usually important to make all your food taste as good as possible, you are always limited by your ingredients (especially when on a diet). This is when appearance jumps to the forefront and you must focus on making it look as good as possible. This is probably the most important lesson when it comes to cooking and baking: if at all in your power, never sacrifice presentation and appearance.

Grilled Chicken Salad Variation 1
Ingredients: Lettuce, grilled chicken breast, corn, black beans, spinach, tomato, avocado, orange bell peppers, olives and feta cheese

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Great first post iana! You're right about makes things tastier! That's why I drink my smoothies out of wine glasses :)
