Monday, May 27, 2013

Lebanese Bulgur and Baked Dill Salmon

So, it looks like I haven't been here in quite some time... whoopsies. I thought my followers were no longer reading, but I had one dedicated follower tell me she missed them. You can all thank Kelin for her mentioning that to me and inspiring me to revive my blog!

Now, let's be honest, the real reason everyone is here is for food. So let's get down to business.

A few weekends ago, I went on a weekend trip to Los Angeles with my sister. Just for fun. We went to the beach, we went hiking, we went biking... we had a blast. Los Angeles turned out to be one of the most pleasant surprises I've had by cities in the United States. Which I'd go into more details about if this were a travel blog.

Being a semi-groupie for the Kardashians, I wanted to go to the Armenian restaurant in Glendale to which they usually go to on their show. (Joke was on me, though, because the weekend I went there, they flew to Houston to advertise some product). Anyhow, the food there was delicious. I can't blame them / their dad one bit for going there all the time. Obviously, he knew good Armenian food. I can't stop thinking about that restaurant.

While at Carousel, it was also the first time I had bulgur - a rice grain, but probably healthier. And more delicious. In fact, I loved it so much, I decided to make it when I got back home. After Googling recipes and trying to gauge which one I'd love the most, I ended up picking a recipe for Lebanese Bulgur. And here is the result. Notice how I didn't chop the onions that small because I was super hungry by the time I finished reading the eight different recipes for bulgur.

 I'd like to think that my bulgur was pretty tasty and, had I not had Carousel's Armenian bulgur to compare it to, I would have thought mine was the best. But I know better. So I tried again the next day. This time I also made some baked dill salmon to go along with it. Much tastier, indeed! I added more chicken broth this time and melted some butter on top at the very end.

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